The SR Magazine Blog- NEW Issue # 1.03 - IN MY OPINION....
In this issue ---> We talk about one of the most important decision for every in the LBGT community who lives in New York today.... The fight to pass Gay Marriage + Equality for all.
The time has come.
Words By: Eric J. ParkerSo we begin this edition with one of the most groundbreaking stories of the year-- On 04.16.09 New York Governor David Patterson and introduced legislation to legalize same-sex marriage and boy, did they listen.
"Anyone that’s ever experienced antisemitism or racism, any New Yorker who is an immigrant, who has experienced discrimination, any woman who has faced harassment at work or suffered violence at home, any disabled person who has been mocked or marginalized, understands what we’re talking about here. We have all known the wrath of discrimination. We have all felt the pain and the insult of hatred. This is why we are all standing here today. We stand to tell the world that we want equality for everyone."
- Governer, David Patterson.
Personally, i feel that it is about damn time that we have someone who can enforce this to legislation and finally make it legal. For years [Since 1994.] Patterson has been an advocate for same sex marriage and being the state's first governor he surely drew a strong connnection between the fight for martial rights + the abolition movement -- Call him whatever you want but i am all for this movement in making same-sex marriage legal for once and for all!!
I don't about you, but the fact that we have Mayor Bloomberg, Council Women Christine Quinn, & various other Lawmakers supporting this movement, all i have to say is ---> You GOT MY VOTE.
When asked about the potential of clashing with the new archbishop and facing an opposition movement led by Dolan, Paterson (also a Catholic) said; "I didn’t know that he was inviting Christ’s army, because I thought I was a member of it — and I’m in favor of gay marriage.” ----> You tell'em Governor Patterson!
We can't no longer allow these politicians hold our fate in their hands! In order for us to get the rights that we deserve we gotta fight for it. Now, no one said that it's going to be easy but god willing I want to be able to look back and tell my kids that i fought in what i believed in and that's anything is possible when you put your all into it.
At the end of the day the question remains.... Are you with us?
Make sure to check out our poll & share your thoughts! --->
Tell us how you feel about this breaking story & we just might feature you in our next issue... Wouldn't you love that. ---> Forward all letters to: Letter@nycsocialites.net
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This all comes down to Equal Rights. Who is this Bishop guy think he is?, saying 'I CAN'T GET MARRIED' That makes him sound like a bigot.
As for Mr. Paterson, it's about time a Governor of this State stood up from the Status Quo and said it's time to give equal rights to the LGBT Community. For generations, we have been denied simple rights and treated different among society for simply being who we are. This cannot continue. I applaud Mr. Patterson for taking a stand and saying 'We are all Equal'. Thank you!
Now if only this Bill can get passed, that is the tough part right now. We need to all give suppport, call and write to Albany, your local politicians, and let them know, you support Gay Marriage.
-Giovanni Centurione